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Scoliosis is an atypical lateral curvature of the spine that often begins with a deviation in posture. Without treatment, scoliosis has the potential to worsen into a lifelong deformity.

Three types of scoliosis are known to occur:

  • Congenital scoliosis, which is a genetic condition
  • Habitual scoliosis, which is the result of behavior
  • Idiopathic scoliosis, the cause of which is unknown

Recognizing Symptoms of Scoliosis in Your Child

Parents might observe seeming deformities in their child, such as one shoulder appearing higher or a hip appearing lower, which is especially noticeable if clothes don’t seem to fit the child well. Another indicator could be uneven wear on a child’s shoes. Although children with scoliosis may complain of back and leg discomfort, these symptoms are often disregarded as typical growing pains.

Allowing scoliosis to progress untreated can worsen the condition. In the worst cases, children might need to use braces or even undergo a surgery where steel rods are affixed to make the spine straight.

How Chiropractors Can Help With Scoliosis

Chiropractic adjustments offer potential benefits in enhancing both the structure and functionality of the spine. These adjustments can aid in strengthening muscles, potentially leading to an improvement in your child’s posture.

If you suspect that your child might be experiencing scoliosis, we encourage you to schedule an evaluation with us. Following a thorough assessment, we’ll be able to determine whether chiropractic care could be beneficial in addressing their scoliosis.


Frequently Asked Questions

Is it normal for spines to exhibit some sideways curvature?

Actually, any sideways curvature of the spine is considered irregular. Ideally, when viewed from behind, the spine should appear as a straight line. In cases of scoliosis, there usually exist two curves: a primary curve bending in one direction and a secondary curve in the opposite direction.

When is scoliosis severe enough to require treatment?

Experts continue to debate when scoliosis needs to be treated. Surgery is generally recommended for spines that curve at least 40 degrees. If a spine curves 10-25 degrees, treatment may not be required.

Do heavy backpacks cause scoliosis?

Not necessarily; however, this is a This remains unclear, but is a cause for concern. Ensure your child places both backpack straps over their shoulders to evenly distribute the weight. Additionally, we recommend checking the backpack’s weight to make sure it doesn’t weigh more than 10-15% as much as your child.

Make an Appointment With Our Chiropractors

If you’re concerned that your child has scoliosis, chiropractic care may be an ideal route for treatment. Reach out to Montrose Family Chiropractic today if you want to schedule an evaluation for your child.