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Balancing the pressures of work and family responsibilities, along with concerns about global affairs, contributes to the heightened stress levels that so many of us struggle with. This stress often materializes in various ways, such as:

stressed woman looking at computer

  • Depression and anxiety
  • Insomnia
  • Chronic pain
  • Migraines
  • Gastrointestinal problems
  • Regular illness
  • Low energy levels

The Three Kinds of Stress

There are many causes of stress, which can be roughly broken down into three distinct categories:

There are three primary types of stress:

Physical Stress
Numerous forms of physical strain can have harmful effects on your body. Such strain may result from automobile or workplace accidents, injuries sustained while playing sports, incorrect lifting techniques, or slips and falls. Babies may even suffer physical stress after birth. The constant pressure of gravity is also among the biggest causes of physical stress.

Mental Stress
A diverse variety of difficult situations can lead to mental stress. Common causes of mental stress include navigating financial difficulties, difficult projects at work, and attending to the needs of a seriously ill family member.

Chemical Stress
Substances like food additives, pesticides, pollutants, personal care items, and medications flood our bodies with a multitude of chemical stressors that have the potential to negatively impact our nervous system and overall well-being.

Dealing with Stress Naturally

You may never be fully rid of stress, but consistent chiropractic sessions could assist you with managing and adjusting to it. Chiropractic care offers a secure, non-intrusive approach that restores spinal mobility and strength, potentially easing stress and allowing for relaxation. Additional methods for stress reduction include being physically active, keeping a journal, getting adequate sleep, practicing meditation, and exploring various relaxation techniques/



Frequently Asked Questions

Is all stress bad?

Not always. When you’re a little stressed, it can push you to achieve your goals. For example, if you have a project due soon, feeling some stress can give you the boost you need to finish it on time. It’s similar to when you exercise at the gym – it’s a positive kind of stress that helps you get stronger.

Why do you need to manage stress so carefully?

If not addressed, chronic stress can result in diabetes, heart disease, depression, and other severe medical issues. It is widely believed that stress causes many different chronic diseases.

Can stress be relieved by more nutrition in your diet?

Yes, stress can be eased by eating properly. Eat foods with high amounts of magnesium, vitamin C, B vitamins, and omega-3s to naturally reduce your stress levels.

Book an Appointment

Regular chiropractic care is one of the best holistic options for effective stress relief. Contact Montrose Family Chiropractic today to learn more about how our chiropractors can reduce your stress levels!